Dear Cerridwen Family, It is with great joy and service that I come to share with you a healing system Mother Cerridwen has returned to ….
Author: Sidika Petterson
Edwina Hodkinson Bsc(Hons) – Medical Herbalist Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists Edwina continues her journey around Cerridwen’s Menopause Medicine Wheel The midlife ….
Join Priestess Reti by the shores of the Baltic Sea for a mesmerising ritual to honour Cerridwen of Water. Reti Toriella, Priestess of ….
After the rollercoaster of May, June is more settled. Having gone through the Scorpionic tunnel of death and rebirth, Cerridwen is teaching us about expansion ….
Beltane blessings to all of you I am sitting in the most beautiful countryside here in Avalon. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, ….
Priestess Bee Helygen shares some of the history of Beltane, Cerridwen carrying the seed of Taliesin and matriarchal societies. She asks us what we want ….
Download this recipe as a PDF Sadie Whitley, Priestess of Cerridwen Pacific NW, USA I am a heart-centred inspirational life coach, metaphysical ordained ….
Join Priestess of Cerridwen, Gail Spiritstar, as she interviews three of her amazing Priestess Sisters about their connection with animals. The conversation is full of ….
Priestess Sadie shares a story about working with Cerridwen’s guidance and story to help someone dealing with bereavement and grief. This is an example of ….
Please forgive my adaptation of the familiar saying ‘if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’. In this case, I refer specifically to broken crystals. It ….
Course tutor, Bee Helygen, continues her pronunciation guide to some of the Welsh language words commonly used in the Priestess of Cerridwen training. Calon Cariad ….
How can you doubt my love for you, my Child? How can you fear that I may leave and abandon you? You have seen the ….
It is said that the Druids would speak about unconditional love for all existences. It certainly goes back to Iolo Morganwg’s Barddas, 1862 but he ….
Come and be with me by my seas, my shores and my oceans. Be the stillness in the soft breeze when the hurricanes begin to ….
For the last seven months (and four newsletters) this column has taken the form of a journey around the British Isles – like a magpie, ….
Priestess Elvine introduces her Aura spray for cleansing and protection to enable a joyful and sacred connection. “I have always had a strong connection with ….
Many of us understand the beautiful relationships we can share with animals and birds. Kirsty brings this to life with a look at the creatures ….
Our featured Priestess for this season of the Lover is, very appropriately, Anastasia Love. Gail Spiritstar interviews Anastasia who shows us her beautiful home Yoga ….
Cerridwen, dark mother; tell me about love. She laughed. You think love is easy. Love is hard, She said. Real love is a day in, ….