Astrology for June 2023 with Janet Parfitt
After the rollercoaster of May, June is more settled. Having gone through the Scorpionic tunnel of death and rebirth, Cerridwen is teaching us about expansion and growth in June. With Jupiter in Taurus and a Full Moon in Sagittarius, the emphasis is more optimistic than it has been for a while.
The Full Moon
On the 4th of June there is a full Moon in Sagittarius. This sign is traditionally ruled by Jupiter, which is the largest planet in our solar system so its meaning is about expansion. Jupiter’s motto is go big or go home! With Jupiter having just gone into Taurus, which is all about money, issues around worth, and agriculture; there could be an emphasis on banking, economics and food. Sagittarius is pointing the arrow on the way to a higher truth. Do we have the nerve to follow our true path? Are we going to be pulled off course by outside pressures?
On the 5th of June Venus enters Leo. Our primary relationship is with ourselves and Leo, ruled by the Sun, is asking us to shine. Venus in Cancer was quite a homebody; cooking, gardening and taking care of others. When Venus goes into Leo, it’s time to step outside the home and into the spotlight. Be bold! It will pay off.
Pluto went retrograde on the 1st of May and on the 11th of June Pluto will re-enter Capricorn. Issues around status and power will come to the fore. The days of Pluto in Capricorn are coming to an end and this is the last gasp of energy for power that comes from the top down. Those who want the status quo to continue will continue to cling to their lives of wealth, privilege and entitlement but the ground is giving way beneath their feet.
Also on the 11th of June, Mercury goes into Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so here is where the winged messenger really flies. Expect lots of phone calls, texts and emails. Everyone will have something to say.
On the 17th of June Saturn goes retrograde. Any planet that is stationing (that is turning around, whether to go retrograde or direct) is more powerful than normal, so there may be some restrictions to deal with. There could be a sense of needing boundaries, especially with all the slight craziness of Mercury in Gemini. If you’re feeling a bit burned out by all the frantic chatter then this could be a good time to have a bit of a social media detox.
The New Moon
The New Moon is in Gemini on the 18th of June. This can be a new start in communications, short journeys, lots of new ideas coming into your mind. You could find your brain humming like a hive of bees with all the thoughts and ideas you will be having. It can be an inspiring time but just watch that you don’t get burnt out by it all.
On the 19th of June, Jupiter is sextile Saturn bringing expansion to the form and structure of your life. This would be a good time to build something up or make plans about how you can go bigger and better.
On the 21st of June, the Summer Solstice, the Sun goes into Gemini and Gemini season begins in earnest. It’s a great time to hang out and chat with your friends, expect some really interesting conversations about anything and everything. No topic is off limits for Gemini. It’s a great time to learn something new but resist the temptation to skim the surface. If you really want to know, you have to go deep.
On the 27th of June Mercury enters Cancer and our tired brains can retreat a bit into thoughts of home and sacred space.
On the 30th Neptune goes retrograde so this will be a good day for meditation or dream work or anything that requires you to go deep into sacred connection, with yourself, with others or with the Goddess Cerridwen.
Blessed be.
Janet Parfitt – Priestess of Cerridwen
Glastonbury, UK
Facebook: Janet Parfitt – Priestess of Cerridwen
Janet Parfitt is a Priestess of the Goddess and a Priestess of Cerridwen. She has also written three books, is a professional Tarot Reader, a soul healer and a qualified funeral Celebrant. She is a regular Melissa in the Glastonbury Goddess Temple and with Bee Helygen, takes part in the Dark Moon Rituals at every new moon.
Thank you, Janet
Thank you, Janet!! What a wonderful gift you share with us! What are your book titles? I would love to purchase one or more!