Introduction to Bee
Bee Helygen is a Priestess of Avalon and Cerridwen, Awenydd (Inspirer), Swynwraig™ (Wise Woman), OBOD Ovate (Druidic Healer), Emotional Healer, Oracle, and a Soul & Death Midwife.
She is an experienced Ceremonialist and Celebrant, who works both in the Glastonbury Temple and Goddess Healing House as a Priestess and Healer. She welcomes groups of visitors here in Avalon, giving talks and presentations on Goddess, and guides sacred tours on the land. She is a Ceremonial Priestess for the annual Goddess Conference, most recently as Wisdom Elder in the Crone Conference.
A teacher by profession and vocation, she creates and facilitates workshops, rituals and ceremonies for Goddess in the Avalon community and globally Online. In 2015 Bee created a course to become a Priestess of the Goddess Cerridwen, Queen of the Underworld in the Avalonian wheel, to work with the shadow times in life, giving support to those in need of service.
This year the newly established Temple College of Avalon, under the leadership of Bee, has also launched the Priestess of the Dark Goddess journey. 2023 will see the launch of the first book created in cooperation with several Priestesses of Cerridwen. In Her DarkBright Spirit is a compilation of information about Cerridwen and Her myth, poetry, art, storytelling, dream weaving and other offerings.
Bee is fluent in English, German and Spanish and has a good command of Welsh.
Bee as Course Creator and Tutor
Priestess of Cerridwen Training
In 2003 Bee was first ‘introduced’ to Cerridwen. She researched, learned and practised in devotion to Her for 10 years. When Bee joined the Priestess of Avalon course, Cerridwen said to her: ”I need you to create this for me.” Two years later, after a struggle with feelings of unworthiness and a deep sense of impostor syndrome, Bee launched the course to a small number of people. Cerridwen had said to her:”If not you, who? If not now, when? The Healers are needed in the world. Bring me the Healers of Soul and Body.” One thing is true about Cerridwen, She will not be ignored. Since then, over 100 Priestesses and Priests have dedicated to Her and been initiated by Her.
The course contains some Welsh terms as this is the language of devotion to Her. The course was conceived and developed in Wales, each year the Goddess adds additional material, slowly dripping Her wisdom into the consciousness of all Her Kin.
Bee offered the Priestess of Cerridwen course via the Glastonbury Goddess Temple Teachings from 2015 to July 2023, and is now offering it independently via her Temple College of Avalon. The Temple College of Avalon now offers two courses with more following in September 2024.
Cerridwen chooses Her people, She knows what they are capable of, what they can manifest and how they can help bring Her teachings into the world. So many of those stepping into Her stream of awareness do amazing things in the world. Cerridwen inspires and guides me every day to create a better way of learning about Her. It is a constant reciprocal relationship. This can be you too.
Death Priestess Training
The topic of death has been in the forefront of improved healthcare for a decade and more. Bee served with several organisations who improved the care for the dying but never felt that the care was comprehensive enough. She never felt the dying person had autonomy over their care. This brought her into advocating for the dying and working with living wills, later Advanced Care Plan.
Bee felt the terminally ill and dying needed to be heard. Far too often, she witnessed healthcare providers talking over the patient yet never asking them what they think, feel, asking them for their input in their own care. During Covid this behaviour of playing God with others’ lives became even more pronounced. Bee wanted to help. She wanted patients to have an informed choice and be heard. After working in hospitals for seven years, she realised we needed more of that.
Bee first began her work as a Sterbebegleiterin (End of Life Caregiver) in 1979 and felt she had something more to contribute. This was reflected in the Soul Midwifery work she offers within the Priestess of Cerridwen course. Bee became aware that others wished to serve in our way without working with Cerridwen specifically. She created, with her dear sister Sarah Weller, (Priestess of Cerridwen and a funeral director and celebrant) a stand alone course, that was rooted in their sacred work as Priestesses but was also non denominational.
Priestess of the Dark Goddess Course
This journey, rather than course or training, is a vision quest, a Grail Knight quest, the Fool’s journey into the Inner Knowing. A creating of an Inner Temple, a sanctuary, where we can retreat, recover, reclaim the true us. The part of us that still needs to be discovered, understood and honoured.
Priestess Bee
Bee and Her Cerridwen Priestesses and Priests host the monthly Dark Moon ritual at the Goddess Temple, and Online, where healing energy is sent into the world. Priestesses of Cerridwen are Earth guardians and dragon line protectors. They also create the annual Avalon Cauldron Gathering in April and the Witches’ Memorial Walk at Samhain.
Bee creates and participates in seasonal ceremonies with the Glastonbury Goddess Temple. She is also a ceremonial priestess for the annual Goddess Conference. She conducts ceremonies, rituals and rites of passage upon request including funeral celebrancy and is also a regular melissa at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple.
Prior to Covid, Priestess working in our Temple here were asked to create a monthly Oracle event based on the descriptions of the Oracle of Delphi. A handful of Priestesses have served this endeavour since then and Bee has been asked to be an Oracle each month since its inception, channelling answers to visitors’ questions.
In 2021, Bee, together with six other Avalonian priestesses, set up the Temple of Avalon, a new Pagan Temple of the Goddess and the Gods in the heart of Avalon. Glastonbury, UK.
Healer Bee
Bee has trained as an Emotional Healer with Kathy Jones, Visioner of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple, and applies these teachings in her daily healing sessions in Goddess House.
After a decade of research conducted in Wales, she has reclaimed a healing tradition based on the ancient roots of the Welsh Wise Women, the Swynwragedd. “Our hands, hearts, souls and voices are dedicated channels for Goddess”, according to Bee’s vision of holistic wellness – reconnecting body and soul. She offers this form of healing as Avalon Soul Healing ™ which she also teaches as part of the Priestess of Cerridwen training.
As an experienced soul ally and midwife, she assists at Cardiff Heath hospital with patient care.
Bee offers the following healing modalities:
- Crystal Healing
- Avalon Soul Healing™
- Light Body Activation
- Energy Centre Realignment
- Family & Soul Lineage Healing
- Hands on Energy Healing
- Card & Soul Readings
- Sacred Listening
- Seership
- Psychic Reading
- Akashic Record Readings
- Atlantean Healing™
- Or a mix thereof.
More About Bee
My name is Bee. I am a Goddess loving woman, mother, sister, wife, who has been blessed to have experience in many different paths of alternative spirituality. I am a Wiccan Elder, former High Priestess. I am a full time Priestess here in Avalon, Glastonbury. My life is in service to Goddess and our community. I co-create the seasonal ceremonies for the temple, Melissa regularly in the Goddess Temple, I help dress the temple each season. My life is dedicated to the Goddess Community and my students, and I thank the Goddess every day for allowing me to be here. My husband and daughter are also Priest and Priestess of Cerridwen.
I hold a post graduate Diploma in Continued Professional Development, Education and Training and worked as a trainer for several multinational corporations and educational institutions until 2013 when I became a full time Priestess.
I trained with Erin Mc Cauliffe and Kathy Jones at the Goddess Temple for three years to become a Priestess. I continued my learning with Kathy’s Emotional Healing course and qualified as a teacher of this complementary therapy. As a therapist I work in Goddess House Healing Centre in Glastonbury, using intuitive, crystal, sound, soul and energy healing. As a qualified Reiki healer I also work with patients in hospitals to aid in their recovery, primarily with the Elderly and Cancer Care. I am a volunteer with Marie Curie and visit the hospital each week. As a Death Priestess I sit with the dying and support the families as a Bereavement Counsellor.
I also dive deeper into the realm of Seership as a member of the Oracle of Avalon since its inception. I serve as an Embodiment and practise Trance Mediumship, helping others with soul readings using cards and the elements. In recent years I have become interested in Past Life Regression because even Science now agrees that we carry the wounds of our Ancestors in our blood and cell memory, and there are patterns we run that we did not learn in this life. The soul is my field of study, I see the soul of every being rather than their outer form and personality. It helps me stay in my compassion and unconditional love for all existences.
I teach, I learn, I practise, I experience and I write about these activities when I feel I have something worthwhile to share. I hope you enjoy reading my offerings.
In the video interview below, I share about my journey with Cerridwen.
In peace and love.
Blessed Be
Bee’s Qualifications
Dip. Psychic Development
Dip. Crystal Healing
Dip. Past Life Regression
Sound Activation Therapist
Reiki II
Counselling BCAP
Bach Flower Practitioner
Druid Shaman Healer
Meditation & Shamanic Journey Instructor
Atlantean Healing Practitioner™
Post Graduate Diploma in Continued Professional Development, Education and Training
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