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In Her Dark Bright Spirit

Hurray, we made it!
Our first book is now available and we are very proud of the co-created content that spans reality, fiction, poetry, prose, prayer and spell work. This book is a true reflection of our training as modern day Priestesses and Priests here in Avalon Glastonbury. We are very proud of the independent production of this work but would also like to thank Paul and Laura at Blue Cedar Print for all their invaluable help.

From Priestess Elan, Editor:

This book, In Her Dark Bright Spirit, is probably the most exciting and rewarding book I have ever had
the joy to work on and contribute to, because it was Goddess-led from beginning to end. In my ‘day
job’ I edit books on poetry, plays and academic essays and I always take my work seriously, but I
have never felt the responsibility I have with this book. Again, this is because it was Goddess-led.

I would call in Cerridwen each day before I set to work on it. As we intuitively placed poems, stories,
and songs in each chapter, I was reminded all over again of the inspiration which lies at the root of
this book. The sub-heading of the book is ‘journeying the Bardic year with the Celtic Goddess
Cerridwen’ and this is the soul of the text. When these pieces were created, my sisters and I were on
a spiralling journey into the depths of Cerridwen’s cauldron and we have learned so much along the
way. We are all still spiralling and the journey with Cerridwen is never-ending. Poems, stories and
songs still come to us – they’re just not included in this book!

What In Her Dark Bright Spirit shows is a snapshot of a specific time, in which we were meeting Cerridwen and Her Allies, often for the first time, in meaningful ways as we learned from our beautiful teacher, Bee. For those of us who contributed, when we flick through the pages we will always be transported back to that time. Magick is real and Cerridwen is always within us, stirring us to create.

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