Wild Medicine Tribe – Starting 27th March 2024 online.

Come and join the Wild Medicine tribe in this year long course which combines the best of our much loved course; Weeds and Wild Medicine with lots of new material.

Wild medicine is not just Herbal medicine but the medicine we get from re-connection to the land and working with the gifts Mama Earth provides in our medicine making, crafts and foods.

Experienced Medical Herbalists;  Priestess Edwina Hodkinson and Danielle Kay take you on a year- long  journey with wild medicine foraging walks as we teach you how identify native herbs and wild foods, make a variety of medicines, wild foods  and  eco crafts .  We explore what it is to live in right relationship with the land you live in, how to go deeper into nature, doing earth ceremonies, working with the moon, connecting to the ancestors and the seasons.

We will be on this journey with guest teachers. Each month there will be a live recorded zoom call with us each month as well as exclusive access to a members page with lots of seasonal how to videos and handouts.

You can find out more information at weedsandwildmedicineco.uk or email wildmedicinetrine@gmail.com

Cost is £35 per month by subscription – Early Bird £30 if booked before 1st March

One thought on “Wild Medicine Tribe – Starting 27th March 2024 online.

  1. Hello
    I have always wanted to learn about foraging and am intrigued by the post about your course. How does it work if I live in Canada (EST currently)? I am also wondering about working with plants we don’t have access to in Canada.

    Thank you for your time,

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