Priestess of Cerridwen Training Spiral 1 – In-person 2024 – 25

Priestess of Cerridwen Training Spiral 1 – In-person 2024 – 25

Year 1: Spiralling Within: Getting to know Goddess

The material covered is essentially the same as in the Online training – both options use the same learning materials.

Cerridwen’s Seasonal Wheel

Wheel of Cerridwen by Sephira
Cerridwen’s Season Wheel by Sephira

Five weekends take place in Glastonbury, UK. In these times when we need to take notice of fiscal responsibility we are offering a mix of In Person and Online training.

The training is based on the wisdom and understanding of Cerridwen’s mythology, on our latest knowledge of the life of the so-called Celtic Nations, and on the legends and folklore of the land around Lake Bala/Llyn Tegid. 

What we offer is a comprehensive Priestess and Priest Training which may lead to a number of opportunities to work as a community spiritual leader. The first year is all about finding the Goddess, creating a bond with Her, hearing Her voice for your highest good, learning to listen to the wisdom of the plant spirits and our tree Elders. 

The eight seasons of the Wheel of the Goddess are represented as following: 

Cerridwen Gwreiddyn – Initiatrix

4, 5 & 6 October 2024

Cerridwen's Cauldron at Samhain by Priestess Reti Toriella
Cerridwen’s Cauldron at Samhain by Priestess Reti Toriella

Deep into the Cauldron of Testing we dive, looking at our own unaddressed shadow behaviour, removing unhelpful self imposed limitations. Releasing and washing away all shame, guilt, low self esteem, doubts about worthiness, and beginning to embrace the guidance of Ancestors, the voices of spirit beings, the wisdom of our own dragon guide and the teachers of the higher realms. Goddess will take you, sit you at the warming cauldron fire and place a mantle of protection around you as you begin your journey with Her.

Recovering self love, seeing through Her eyes of unconditional love, who you can be, will be, have always been. Letting go of old hurts and opening to a new loving relationship with the divine within and without.

➽#Divination #Sacred Listening #Auric Attunement #Celtic Release Ritual

Cerridwen Gweledydd – The Seer


Cerridwen the Seer by Priestess Alex La Malfa

Cerridwen the Seer by Priestess Alex La Malfa“We breathe your energy into our Body, hail and welcome Cerridwen” 

“The cauldron is warmed by the breath of the nine maidens of protection”. The Morwynion are with you on your journey. Who are they? Only those who are courageous enough to step up to the cauldron will be given that secret. Designated by Celtic scholars as Water Spirits, their collective name given as Mori-gena, the sea born. It is said that they live beneath Cerridwen’s lake where She herself is the Arglwwyddes y Llyn Lady of the Lake. Yet, there is so much more to them. 

Healing Powers Reawakened

In the Celtic Tradition Healing pain through breathwork and voice work is based on the stories told about the Druids who allegedly were able to control the elements with the  power of their voice. Amongst the teachings we will help you  find the pathway to your intuition and insight, your connection to the astral realm, using the power of your breath to cleanse and clear the energy fields in the body, remove obstacles and blockages, helping you  see the etheric body, finding the way to the soul through guided visualisation. Magic is all around us and we recover the greatest gift from Goddess: the Inner Knowing that we all possess. We explore the power of the mind. Create healing with sound activation & vibrational frequencies. Introduce you to dream journaling, self interpretation and its connection with your unconscious self.

➽ #Breathwork #Spiritwork #Scrying #Incense Making #Energy Healing

Cerridwen Swynwraig – The Herb Wise

31 January, 1 & 2 February 2025

Cerridwen Wise Woman Healer by Priestess Reti Toriella
Cerridwen Wise Woman Healer by Priestess Reti Toriella

Learning about the wisdom of healing with tree & plant spirits, herb lore, the subtle bodies and energy fields. All existences on this earth have nwyfre – life force and are ensouled. We acknowledge, become familiar, and work with them to the highest good of all. With great knowledge comes great responsibility. The spell song singer is a healer of great capability and power. Stepping into her realm may be your soul’s journey? At this time in this world all Healer Priest-esses are recalled to Service.

During each spiral of the training you will be presented with 9 crystals, 9 tree allies, and 9 plants. Your journey is the connection to the natural world in a very practical way. Each day will have a moment of connection with nature, healing body and soul.

➽ #Crystal Healing #Herb Lore #Forest Bathing #Celtic Tree Lore #Ogham  #Songwheel of Cerridwen

Cerridwen Aderyn Tan – Phoenix


Cerridwen of Fire by Alex La Malfa
Cerridwen of Fire by Alex La Malfa

Rebirth, re-ignition of power and magic, return of the sun to warm the hearts and the land. Balance of light and day, dark and bright, within you, within the shadow realm, that part of Annwfn where you find your own mirror reflection. Her dark bright rays of knowledge, understanding and wisdom will guide you to see where damage has been done, see the truth about your experiences in this life and perhaps previous lives. 

What is to be manifested at this time in the world? Will to power is the key of magic, focussing on what can be created. The fire of the cauldron is rising. The brew is bubbling, is it poison or medicine? The sword of truth comes from Avalon, it has resided here since it was returned to the Priestesses. Truth speakers are needed, the illusion must be ripped away in order to see the true nature of the cauldron of healing. All things fiery and flaming, fire in our hearts, minds, souls and sacral spaces. Find what fires your imagination and creativity. Feel where your cauldron fire burns brightly, where it is subdued. How do we rekindle our Flame of Passion for Creativity and Innovation, Warmth and Belonging? Fire under the cauldron – the ancient Welsh spell of Making. What is your truth? Who are you really? What do you wish to cut away? What holds you back from reaching your full potential? Learn to bring forth your true inner Self, your Priestess. She is waiting to be released.

➽ #Rebirth #Recovery #Reclaiming the Self #Eco Activism #Transformation #Dragons 

Cerridwen Calon Cariad – The heart of Love

2, 3 & 4 May 2025

Calon Cariad - Heart of Love

How do you love? Unconditionally? Fully? Ecstatically? Trusting? 

Is there pain and suffering unrecognised? The heart of love is pure and giving. All are loved equally by Cerridwen. She and Her consort Tegid Foel teach us perfect love and perfect trust. A love that lasts for aeons.

This season asks you to be truthful about self love and love for others. Letting go of unreasonable expectations and obligations. Finding what makes your heart sing. Finding and living with the heart companions, calling in or strengthening a relationship. Soul mates – twin flames, soft touch, gentle connection, heart to heart – soul to soul. Love knows no distance – once a soul connection has been made, it lies within you. What if it needs dissolving? You learn the art of gentle letting go and of guiding others through the process.

The most successful love story of the Welsh myths shows us the path to truly balanced and supportive relationship. All we need is love. How do we honour ourselves so that we may invite true & lasting love into our life?

We also seek the reasons why there is an obstruction in the world to working together in harmony and unity. Especially amongst women. Why do so many not trust the Sisterhood? 

➽ #Sexuality  #Sensuality  #Relationship  #Releasing Ritual  #Storytelling  #Poetry  #Bardic Arts 


Cerridwen Arglwyddes y Llyn – Lady of the Lake


Llyn Tegid
Llyn Tegid, image by Priestess Gail Spiritstar

The waters of the world hold the emotions and memories of all who have lived on this planet: plants, animals, humans. Every single Ancestor of yours has drunk the same waters as you, each making a mark on the water’s memory. The Ladies of the Lake call to us all to take up the sword of truth, they evaluate our suitability to face the greatest discomforts, the healing waters soothing our soul and spirit. The stories of humanity live in the waters, the universe guides the waters through the moon tides, which affect all. Water, magical component of our story, life giving elixir, washing us clean, inside and out, washing away pain and sorrow. Cerridwen, quintessential Lady of the Lake, ancient, ever present, rising from the magic mists of Lake Bala, what are Her gifts for you? Water bodies are the portals to the Otherworld in the Celtic tradition, betwixt and between are the shores, where we step through the veil and find a mirror image of our reality. Threshold guardian, Morwyn y Ddwr, greets us with a riddle and a challenge. Are we worthy of Her life giving womb waters? Can we travel beyond the Ninth Wave of Celtic mythology, to reach the realm of the Andedion?

Is it your destiny to be tossed in the ninth wave and never reach the ultimate home of your heart? Come, hold my hand, I will guide you. 

➽ #Emotional Healing  #Scrying with Water  #Morwynion of the Cauldron  #Tinctures  #Flower Sprays  

Cerridwen Mam Dywyll – Dark Mother

25, 26 & 27 July 2025

Cerridwen the Mother

Dark Mother, fierce mother of shadow, nurturing mother, a blessing to us all. Learning about the importance of being mothered, of giving and receiving gracefully, of mothering others. Who is our MotherLine? What was their gift to humanity? Denial, blaming and resistance can mar our lives till we leave this earth, time to work on forgiveness and letting go of old hurts. The inner child will have its say, whether you grant them space & time or not. Acknowledging their existence, allowing and witnessing their anger, pain and frustration, and finding a healthy way of facilitating release and healing is a step towards self knowledge and self care. A journey hard won and long walked. Follow the path that leads to joy and hope. From there we hold space for others on the journey.

How were you mothered? How are you mothering others? 

In this time there is a war on the Mothers. Will you show up for them, guardians and teachers of future generations. We honour and protect them, and our world will have a chance to heal. 

Earth Birth Temples revisited. The secrets of West Kennet and Avebury. 

➽ #Ancestors   #Motherline  #Motherwound  #Ancient Mother Temple Sites  #Social Justice Warrior

Cerridwen Sofran y Ddaear – Sovereign of the Earth

10, 11, 12 October 2025 Dedication Weekend

Earth protection spell on the Tor
Earth protection spell on the Tor

Working with dragon energy in Chalice Well. The Celtic Dragons of Balance and Peace. Meeting our teachers, guides, the protectors of humanity and gaining their guidance for the voyage onwards..

Healing by the dragons who rule the Crystal Caves of Cerridwen, help all to draw strength from the earth though the connection with the land. The magic of this sacred earth of Avalon helps all to come to rest with what is in the present, let go of the past, and allow the evolution towards a brighter future. Ancient monuments and temples reveal their secrets through visitation in person and in the mind temple. This is earth magic, based on the inner knowing of the universal energy that created all earth. Psychic transmissions from all earth beings. Communicating without words, through energy. Feeling, reading, understanding and transmitting energy to assist peaceful living, in unison with the natural world.

We are born from the earth and to Her we’ll return, we are guardians of the earth and earth warriors, protecting the sacredness of the land.

We must stand up and be counted. Where is your sphere of influence? What’s happening in your land? Can we make a difference? Can we inspire others to take up the sword of truth and justice, so our trees and forests are safe, our waters remain un-poisoned, our air is breathable? 

We will make a pilgrimage through the sacred land of Avalon, leave behind what no longer serves us (in the form of representatives) and those who are present will be invited to dedicate on the Saturday night. 

➽ #Legacy  #Earth Magic  Spells #Tor  y Tylwyth Teg  #Dragons  #Magic of Avalon 
#13 Treasures of Avalon

Apply for In-person Spiral 1

If you would like to apply please click here: 

Dedication as a Sister/Brother/Devotee of Cerridwen

For the Online Students we will be creating a beautiful Dedication Ceremony online.

Connecting to the Land

For those who can spend some time in Avalon, pilgrimages to sacred sites can be arranged, these  are scattered in the landscape of Southern Britain and access might lead over uneven ground. Students who wish to participate in these opportunities should be physically fit to walk some distance. If you would like further information about this, please contact the tutor.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hours of the training days?

Training days on Friday, Saturday 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday 10 am to 3 pm. There may also be a ritual or other event on the Saturday night so please keep your evenings free.

What do I need to bring to the training?

You will be emailed joining instructions before each weekend module detailing what you need to bring. However, as a minimum, please bring your journal and pen, an item for the altar (remember to collect it at the end of the weekend!), a water bottle, sturdy shoes, wet-weather clothing for the mists of Avalon, a drum if you have one.

What do I wear to the training?

Students are asked to wear Cerridwen’s colours – black or dark green or dark blue – sparkly bits and bling welcomed! You will sometimes be asked to bring ceremonial clothes in these colours – e.g. a robe – easy to purchase new or second hand in Glastonbury. 

Will the training include much walking or physical exertion?

There will be opportunities to walk or drive to local sacred sites such as Chalice Well, The White Spring and the Tor. We will also walk on the Tor which is quite steep in places. If you are unable to walk on uneven ground or for a longer distance, you will not be shamed. We will do our best to still have you participate in the activities as far as possible.
There may also be the opportunity to arrange trips to other sacred sites which might involve walking on uneven ground. These visits are optional and can be omitted if you have health or mobility challenges.

What happens if I am ill or otherwise unable to attend a training weekend?

Please contact course tutor Bee at as soon as you know you won’t be able to attend. It may be possible for you to join parts of the live training by Zoom and you will also be able to join the Virtual Temple. However, please remember that it is part of your Terms & Conditions in joining the In-person training, that you attend at least three In-person weekends unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Are you able to advise about travel and accommodation?

There are a number of Priestess Houses where cheaper accommodation might be available. 

There is also a Travelodge. See further options on our Temple College of Avalon Accommodation List.

You may find it cheaper to rent a guest house together – you can connect with each other via the private Facebook Group, once it has been set up.

Please contact course tutor Bee at if you have any additional questions.

Read about In-person Spiral 2

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