The Wisdom of Weeds illuminates the Utter Darkness
Ever since I first encountered Cerridwen and her story, I have felt drawn to the aspect of Morfran, or Afaggdu. The fierce protectiveness of a mother defending her son, a son who was mocked, derided, overlooked by others… that particular energy of Cerridwen is one I feel so strongly and for which I am incredibly grateful.
I find lessons from Morfran, too, as my Priestess service shapes and develops. I am often nudged to work with the unseen, the unheard, the oftentimes invisible, the overlooked, the underrated, in particular. I draw great strength in that work by connecting to both Morfran himself and also to Cerridwen in that wonderfully protective state.
It was no real surprise therefore, throughout my training, to feel distinct nudges from Cerridwen to work with a couple of plants which are almost universally decried as weeds or pests, but which can, if we champion them and protect them, bring tremendous healing benefits of all kinds.
Late last summer I set aside a day to go out and gather Fireweed – preparing in advance over the preceding nights in prayer and conversation with Cerridwen, who guided me in the practicalities she wanted me to include. I share here with you a little about my gathering exercise, but also the very clear messages that came through from both the Fireweed and another plant ‘pest’ – the Himalayan Balsam.
Both Fireweed and Himalayan Balsam are everywhere to be found in my part of the world (the west coast of Scotland) and, I am sure, far beyond. They are exceedingly pretty plants to look at, but they are generally considered to be invasive pests.
On the day I’d set aside to gather Fireweed from the hedgerows, I felt a clear push from Cerridwen to obtain some Himalayan Balsam too. Cerridwen was clear that I was to make mother essences with both plants and she guided me to incorporate a number of personal elements in my preparation as well as others which connect with our wonderful wider Cerridwen community.
My gathering bags came from Avalon. The Himalayan Balsam was gathered on the shores of Loch Fyne, right from the hillside where my father spent his childhood and where my ancestors farmed. The Fireweed was picked at the top of a hill on the other side of the sea-loch, overlooking the sheep farm where I spent my first few years from birth.
In the crane bags, awaiting the harvest, nestled a little Cerridwen figure and a piece of Healer’s Gold crystal, ready to welcome the plants and start working with them to help them release their full potential as healing essences.
Cerridwen directed me to mix water from the local River Add (so named for its snakelike shape) with drops from the Red and White Springs and Lake Bala. The vessels used to hold the mother essences belonged to my Mum. All of this brought together as many elements as I could possibly find, to add healing and love and power for the essences that the gathered plants and mingled waters would become.
This is all simply by way of background – the most wonderful part is the messages that I received from the plants. They communicated with such energy and power, and they were clear that their message was not just for me but for everyone, and for the Cerridwen tribe who are learning and working with plants to bring healing into the world.
Below are the messages from Fireweed and Himalayan Balsam – they came through so fast that it was challenging to write them down quickly enough.
Message from Fireweed:
We rejoice!
We are so glad that you are working with us and that so many of your sisters are working with us too. We are especially grateful that your teacher has brought us into her work specifically and into yours and others learning. This is important. This will help to teach many about OUR work.
You have found us in the countryside where nowadays we are largely left alone. This is good but we would like you to work with us when you find us in our ‘natural habitat’ – the places where we spring up in defiance of man’s destruction. What men build crumbles but we spring up, colourful and beautiful.
It is no surprise that we start to come to life in your tradition’s season of Fire. And now, when you have come to us, we are getting ready for our own season of death and rebirth. Look how our flowers are starting to turn into seeds. Soon they will be carried away by the wind and it will be as if we were never here. But we will be back, again and again! We will reappear from the ashes of destruction in a new season.
You too must carry our message of healing into the world. The work you are all doing and your learning is showing how much we want to help you.
Remember that as well as a destructive force, fire is used as a beacon, a signal. We have been signalling with our bright, tall blooms. We are heralding the possibility of a new way. A way where the world of humans works with us, and the forces of nature, rather than against us. That is why we grow out of the ashes of the crumbling structures that were built. That is why we rejoice in your learning and your sharing about what we can do. Stand tall and bright like us to signal all of this to the rest of the world.
Message from Himalayan Balsam:
I am hidden in plain sight, just like the anxiety you are so ashamed of. Like this anxiety, which I can help to heal, I can be invasive, pervasive, damaging, overwhelming. Did you notice today when you were looking for me, I was hard to find? Unlike yesterday when you saw me everywhere. But when we did meet you knew it was right and you felt the peace.
I can bring peace to your anxiety if you work with me and not against me. Anxiety and I can each bring you many benefits – sharpness of thought, quickness of mind, swift decision making powers. Yes, left unchecked, both of us may take over. But remember that anxiety in the right measure, the right balance, can keep you safe and protected.
Over this past week you have felt my nurturing, gentle qualities call to you and you have taken time to get to know me. Now you know what healing I can bring and that I can actually be food! Do not worry – I will not hide from you again, I will work with you, and I will not overwhelm you unless you are forgetting what lessons you have learned.
Added to my water mix, the gathered flowers spent some time outside under the sun when I got home. I worked over them with a tuning fork and played a heart chakra singing bowl to them for a while, to allow those healing vibrations to contribute to their brewing. They are now two wonderful healing mother essences – with some more work and magic, they will birth tinctures and essences, which will share the healing powers of Fireweed and Himalayan Balsam. Sharing their real nature with the world and offering us ways to work with them, rather than overlooking these plants and seeking to destroy them without care or thought.
If you too can find Fireweed and Himalayan Balsam where you live, perhaps you would like to try to connect with them too. Like Morfran, they are often misunderstood and mistaken for ugly, useless things. Like Morfran, they hold great power and want to heal – all we need to do is look, listen and seek to learn from them.
Notes on Fireweed and its benefits:
Fireweed’s full name is Rosebay Willow Herb. The Fireweed name arose from its tendency to spring up in the waste ground left after fire had ravaged a building or an area of ground. Every part of Fireweed can be used – its leaves can make tea, its roots and stems can be made into cordage, and its flowers can be used for essences, tinctures and balms. It can help with digestive problems, inflammation, headaches and various skin issues.
Himalayan Balsam is commonly eaten in India where young leaves are used in salads and older leaves are included in soups, stews and curries. The petals are used to add colour to drinks. Both the flowers and leaves have cooling properties and other parts of the plants can be used to help urinary complaints. It is also used to treat anxiety in homoeopathy. When picking the flowers, they gave out a smooth, soft oil which felt wonderful on my skin – and that’s something I want to explore with this season’s flowers!
Aileen, Priestess of Cerridwen
Argyll, Scotland
Instagram @crone_in_training
Fireweed makes lovely tea, twisting the leaves before drying improves the flavour. Was used as everyday tea in Russia, hence it’s name Ivan’s chai. Off to brew a cup c
Thanks Cate, I didn’t know about its Russian links. I tried tea last summer but it didn’t work so well – so thank you for the tip about twisting the leaves, I think that will help! I hope you enjoyed your cup. Thank you for reading – Aileen
I first heard about fire-weed in a children’s program called Molly from Denali. The natives of Alaska use it for drinks, ice cream and other foods. Late last summer i found it growing in a field in my back yard. I can hardly wait until it blooms this year so I can connect with it and all the magic it has to offer.