Gorse – The Playground for the Fae
Slip and Slide
hide we go
through the many tunnels
under the Gorse hedgerows
laughter and play
the young Fae play,
respect our dwelling
I hear them say.
If you hinder our place
in any old way
you may feel a bit confused
by the end of your day
for the beauty of our flower
is our Mother’s protection
do it at your will,
our giddiness may be your affliction.
Not all Mother’s Plants
are for Human consumption
for She needs to care for all of her Children.
The birds and the Bees
from the Daisy to the Fae
there is a bountiful harvest
all under Her Gaze.
The Gorse in its protection
gives wonderful play
to the Fae of our lands
in the Spring of her time
protecting playgrounds and tunnels galore.
To the Human mind
it gives joy to behold as it signals the start of long summer evenings – from death to rebirth, a time of great joy and a time to give thanks for our Wonderful Earth.
A word of warning comes
for all to see
We need to look deeper
if we want to succeed in sharing the Lands with the Mother and all of Her Creation, We are all Her Children from the birds to the bees.. it’s not only for Humans for we are only a part of it.
Under the Mother’s Cloak
a blanket of many colours
a space for everyone
within Her embrace.
A humility is required
in all lives equal.
Your place is guaranteed
under her stars.
Just remember we are one part of that.
Respect is needed for all life on Her Lands.
Miriam Shekinah – Mother Cerridwen’s Sacred Raven. Priestess of Cerridwen