The Wise Women are gathering in Avalon!

On the 26th of May from 10 am until 4 pm, in the Avalon Room at Glastonbury, the Wise Women are gathering. The daughters will be bringing to you what our Motherline has taught us, and we would invite you to share your stories and wisdom with us all. If you thought the sacred natural healing powers had been lost in the mists of time, you might find this event will change your mind. We are fighting every day to keep our Craft alive, against the might of the multinational pharma companies and the colluding government. Recently our rights have been once again curtailed, find out what that means for us as a nation and as a people. Time is a spiral and the days when wise women were persecuted for their knowledge is returning. This time it is red tape rather than red blood that binds us, the earth heals us and yet we are forbidden once again to accept and pass on Her gifts.

O31641956_245022962740287_7529254811519156224_nur first Key Speaker is Tylluan Penry from Wales: Bendithion!

Tylluan Penry is a solitary pagan witch, independent scholar, publisher and the author of numerous books and magazine articles dealing with many aspects of magic, paganism and folklore. She has also been a popular and regular speaker at various events including Witchfest International, The Artemis Gathering, Witchfest England and Witchfest Wales, together with talks for local groups and the Pagan Federation, and at independent, private events. She is regularly consulted and interviewed by the media for advice in accurately portraying witchcraft and paganism.
Tylluan believes strongly in trying to help other solitaries and those just beginning on their spiritual path. To this end she set up The Wolfenhowle Press in 2011, with the intention of making beautiful, informative and inspiring books about paganism widely available and affordable.
Tylluan is married, has a large family, grandchildren, many pets, an overgrown garden and a gloriously ramshackle house where she lives and dreams with Mr Penry, her love of many lifetimes, in the South Wales Rhondda Valley.
Links: Website: www.thewolfenhowlepress.comYouTube Channel: with the Anglo-Saxon RunesAn Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Magic and WitchcraftKnot MagicA Little Book of InspirationsMagical Nature Walks

Sacred Shadows: Ice Age Spirituality

The Magical World of the Anglo-Saxons

Staying on the Old Track

Magic on the Breath

The Essential Guide to Psychic Self Defence

The Magical Properties of Plants – and How to Find Them

Seeking the Green



Dorina Dea Enet


Dorina (Dea) is a creative Mystic, Chanel, Priestess and Temple Dancer currently living in the UK. She is the co-founder of The Temple of Sacred Arts Mystery school.

Her lineage of Taltos (shaman) and medicine woman set her on the healer’s path, from early age and led her to pursue her passion for healing with herbs through studying of medical and ritual herbalism. Her specific interest is in herbs traditionally used for initiation and spiritual growth as well as promote self awareness and feminine healing.

She has been working with Ancient Egyptian Goddess wisdom since 2009 when she initiated as a Priestess in Philae. She enjoys continuing work with the ancient Egyptian goddesses ever since.

Magical and ritual herbs

At the conference I will introduce you to some of my favourite ritual herbs and we will discuss the plant itself, medical and magical properties, as well as proper and safe use in a ritual setting, exploring indigenous traditions  and stories with each herb.

I am looking forward to take part and share my experience on the conference.

To find out more about my work please visit




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