Meet Ruth Llyn – Priestess of Cerridwen

Meet Ruth Llyn – Priestess of Cerridwen

This season we meet Priestess Ruth Llyn who shares her journey with Cerridwen and the ways she serves in Her name. 

Hello, my name is Ruth Llyn and allow me to introduce myself.  I am a Priestess of Cerridwen, Death Priestess, Priestess Healer, a holistic therapist of various modalities, and a mother of three gorgeous people.

Since I was  a little child, I have always been fascinated by all things ‘flora and fauna’, how the human body works, and where we go afterwards.  The concept of magic and energy were core beliefs for me, from my very first viewing of the three cheerful fairies in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty (Flora, Fauna and Merryweather), and then came Merlin and Madam Mim in Sword in the Stone.  When you’ve been beguiled by your grandmother’s stories about fairies disguised as frogs living underneath Rhubarb leaves, and actually finding them there, then life can do nothing but hold wonderful mysteries to be explored and experienced from then onwards.

I had a strong maternal instinct, and motherhood was always going to be my career as I didn’t feel the drive to enter the realms of professional life after leaving school.  It was so easy to introduce the children to all the wonderful aspects of nature, and it featured in most of our shared activities growing up.  You could say I was raising a family of Pagans without realising it even had a title.  My introduction to Goddess came many years later, after the children had flown the nest.  Whilst walking the dogs through the woods one day, contemplating how to scratch this itch of ‘what next’ I came to a grassy glade, and in the centre of the glade was a beam of sunlight pouring through a break in the clouds.  Curious, I went and stood in the beam of light and at that moment I felt such a rush of love and connectedness to something/everything, and a voice softly whispered in my head ‘seek me out’.  I lost all track of time and space, and when I was finally roused back into myself by the barking of the dogs, from that moment on I knew I had work to do.

I decided to devote my energy to helping people to find wellness and wholeness, and after having qualified in three complementary therapies a friend invited me to visit the Glastonbury Goddess Temple.  There I spoke to a Melissa who was about to start the Priestess Healer training course with Angie Twydall.  That was a lightbulb moment for me, and I applied immediately and was accepted.  I will admit the term ‘priestess’  brought to mind all sorts of questions internally, but by this point I was also yearning to belong to a community of like-minded people and was prepared to patiently allow all to gradually reveal itself.  As a group we worked around the Wheel of the Year, learning about goddesses of various pantheons and their correspondences and healing modalities in relation to their time on the wheel.  It was when we arrived at Crone that Cerridwen filled my heart and claimed me as Hers.  I was neither looking for nor expecting it, but there She was, this bold, gutsy Celtic goddess emanating ‘mystery’, ‘woman’, ‘mother’, ‘seeress’, ‘witch’, ‘cunning herbalist’.  I was hooked.  I could think of no other deity.  Cerridwen flooded my mind with images of herbcraft, treecraft, people and earth healings, tools, ancient barrows and burial mounds, lakes and waterways, symbols, and gatherings.  

Unable to resist, I applied and was accepted into the Priestess of Cerridwen training and initiated as Priestess in June 2018 at the shore of Lake Bala, Cerridwen’s home in North Wales.  The coursework was deep and testing, as is Her cauldron dark and transformative.  Yet whilst wrapped in Her cloak of protection throughout, I was guided by Cerridwen to the role She intended for me as Her Priestess.  A world of possibilities opened up for me, and I gained skills I thought I would never master, like the fear of public speaking. 

Bristol Goddess Temple dressed for Cerridwen at Samhain
Bristol Goddess Temple dressed for Cerridwen at Samhain

I was able to help create the Bristol Goddess Temple together with a Priestess of Bridget and a group of women, which is now well established.  We hold monthly Dark Moon Rituals and New Moon healings amongst other events, and I am able to offer private healing sessions in the safe space of the temple itself.  This is sacred work, and I am privileged to be able to help people on their healing journey with compassion and sincerity.  Being a mother, and bringing in the wisdom of Cerridwen, I create a safe and loving space in which my clients can recognise their core woundings and repeated unhealthy patterns.  Together we work to release and replace these conditions with forgiveness, self-love and self-belief.  I also love to craft, making herbal remedies, magical tools from wood, crystal or wool, and healing aromatherapy sprays, all gifts from Mother Earth.        

Anyone who knows me well will agree that I am not one for having much of a social media presence, although I do enjoy keeping up with the antics of my peers through their posts.  I much prefer being in the presence of people, in their aura space, seeing into their eyes and heart; and I suppose this has helped mould my priestessing style of bringing comfort and inspiration to those I serve.  Over the years I have had the good fortune of living in several interesting and exotic countries such as Canada, America and Malaysia, meeting and learning from folks of diverse cultures; and I believe this has helped me to be comfortable in the company of people. 

It is an honour to be a part of the ever-growing community of the Cerridwen kinship.  Together we serve our communities far and wide with the teachings, skills and love that our patron Goddess has brought into our lives.  Individually we are light-bringers and beacons for Her healing and Her love, and collectively we are way-showers, a power to be reckoned with and harbingers for change for the better and believe me when I say – Cerridwen wouldn’t have it any other way!

Blessed Be   


Priestess Ruth Llyn

Ruth Llyn

Priestess of Goddess Cerridwen

Priestess Healer in the Avalon tradition

Death Priestess 

Reiki Master, Aromatherapist/Myrrhophore, Crystal Healer, Shamanic Womb and Swedish Massage therapist 

I work consciously with the gifts of Mother Earth and the guidance of my patron Goddess Cerridwen and my teachers, to support my healing, ceremonial, and spiritual work. 

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