The Journey into Becoming a Mother

The Journey into Becoming a Mother

Being a mother means sharing everything, even your own body.

The moment you find out you are pregnant, you start your motherhood journey. 

Your own body suddenly is not your own anymore.

You need to be careful with everything you eat, feel or use

because you are sharing it with that little baby growing inside you.

After, your body serves as a portal to bring a new life into this world. 


You can plan as much as you want but the child will choose when and how they want to arrive in this world. Sometimes your plans are aligned, but often they are not. 

Once the new baby is here, you still share your food, nutrients and immune system with your baby through the milk that flows from your breast. 


In these early days, you give 100% of your time and energy, because that little being needs you to survive. 

However, for a mother, there is no bigger blessing than to share with their baby. When I had a newborn, I learned that I needed him as much as he needed me. 


Having said that, it does not mean it is easy.

It is difficult and dark sometimes,but  also it is the purest love and joy any human can feel, the most beautiful bond.

I feel that the days that we live in do not support nor appreciate enough the importance of the early days of motherhood.


This transition from woman to mother is such an important one in a woman’s  life. 

During this time, we are fragile, vulnerable, sensitive but also at our strongest.

We can be hungry and sleep deprived but we will always find strength to be there for our babies.


The baby needs its mother as much as she needs the baby.

They used to be one, and now they are two.

It is a brutal change for both of them and they need time together to adapt to this new reality outside of the womb. 


Our society does not value enough the work mothers do and the importance of motherhood.

Our society does not give enough support, information and safety for these new mothers.

This can cause many mothers to feel lost, sad, as well as disconnected from their baby.

Mothers are often misguided by people who should guide them.


At the same time, this society that does not always provide support, that sometimes judges and makes mothers feel guilty for not being “productive” enough after having a child may pressure  mothers to be perfect and always on top of everything, which is impossible.

However, dare I ask: is there a job more important than raising the future humans that will live on Earth? 


I know that all mothers out there are doing the best they can with what they have.

And we need to not judge but to support and help each other, to show love and compassion. To empower each other and bring more light into mothers’ lives. Let each one of them know that they are not alone. 

My mantra during difficult phases is ‘this will pass’, ‘ this is just a phase’, and also to count the good things that happen. 


So enjoy the precious time you have with your children. Enjoy every little moment. 

To be present and remember these first years of your child’s life is a precious gift.


May you know that Cerridwen is a mother and she is also our mother. And despite all the challenges, be reassured that you are never alone.
She is always by our side to guide, teach and support us through this journey.
Allow Cerridwen to shine Her light and feel Her love flow into your life.




Cerridwen Priestess Aspirant – Spiral 1
Antonia is passionate about the environment, tarot cards and astrology. She works in communications and digital marketing with focus on sustainability and environment.

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