‘What Maketh the Witch?’

Elisa M Gray, author of the book ‘What Maketh the Witch’, is interviewed by Sadie Whitley.
An analysis of witchcraft, and how these magical practices which are the source of magic, have evolved over millennia. Ancient man was seen to barter for the use of magic from the gods. The notion of manifestation gave the power back to the witch, with intent developing into modern day practice. The witch truly has that power which is still as intense today as it was in ancient times.
Elisa’s book is available at most good bookshops and extensively online. In the US you can find it on bookshop.org
Elisa M Gray, Sister of Cerridwen
Glastonbury, UK
Facebook Page: The Way of the Shamanic Witch
Elisa is author of the book “what maketh the witch’ and is a traditional eclectic witch and advanced shamanic practitioner. As a published writer and artist, she is a strong advocate of the old ways of witchcraft as well as one of the cunning folk. Elisa holds witchcraft courses online for both basic and advanced witchcraft.