Embracing the Light – Your Light: A time of rebirth and renewal

Embracing the Light – Your Light: A time of rebirth and renewal

A message from Mother Cerridwen channelled by Miriam Shekinah, Cerridwen’s Sacred Raven.


Dear family,

A time of growth as the cycles and seasons turn once again.

I ask you to look back over the darker months of Yule – the times of long dark nights where the light casts a shadow to be released.

Have you?

Have you released your fears to me?

Child, there are no small fears or large fears that you may feel need warrant. Do not be hesitant. Use these coming days to surrender all to me.

I see the Snowdrop push through the hard frozen ground, growing into the most beautiful bloom full of light and promise. Embrace that image. Be that steady stillness and growth, growing from the depths of darkness. Reap what you have set. Allow it to flourish.

I will sit at my cauldron daily and await your presence, should you need to give me any of your worries and fears.

My cauldron is throughout all seasons for within my cauldron the light comes from the shadow of darkness.

Just as the Snowdrop begins its journey to bloom, it roots deeply for its nourishment and growth.

So is the Journey! Send your roots deeply into my cauldron and Mother Earth/Mother Gaia.

Truly surrender and trust that you are forever held in my heart and I love you – Mother Cerridwen.


Miriam Shekinah – Mother Cerridwen’s Sacred Raven, Priestess of Cerridwen

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