“Diving Deeply into the Awen” – A Chant for Cerridwen

Hi, I am Kathryn, and I am In my second year of the Priestess of Cerridwen Training, aka Spiral 2. I have to admit, when I began Spiral 1, I was so worried about what gifts I could offer to the world and how to be of service. Then I decided to let that thought go, and surrender to the Goddess. I had to learn to trust that Cerridwen would reveal to me which path she wanted me to follow.
During Spiral 1, I was stripped back to my very core, which was a very hard path to navigate, and I didn’t fully understand at the time why it had to be done. Before I started the training, I naively thought I was in a good place and had worked through most of my shadows and issues. I now understand that I had to go through this journey, to create space to allow Goddess and Sacred Sound in!
The Priestess of Cerridwen training has opened up a whole new world to me, and after attending the Avalon Cauldron Gathering in May, I soon realised that in the near future I would need to be confident with using my voice and drumming. So, in the summer I joined a drum circle, I birthed my drum (Deer skin with Maple hoop – which was an amazing experience), and started training for Priestess of Sacred Sound with Elsa Field. The journey of finding my voice and reclaiming her has been a powerful and emotional path. I have spent this lifetime (and many others) being shut down.
November was a strange month for energies and I was struggling a bit — they felt low and heavy. A week before the online Dark Moon Ritual (DMR) presented by Cerridwen priestesses in training, the energies were still affecting me, so I decided I would practise Sacred Sound, and the technical aspect (recording etc) behind it. I played with the Tibetan bowls, and drumming, and I could feel a shift in my energies and how I felt.
I began thinking about the theme of the DMR — diving deep into Cerridwen’s Cauldron. Before I knew it, what started out as a gentle energy blessing recording, turned into an impromptu chant. After recording, I felt inspired to edit the chant that evening. This process only took 2 hours. I love how Cerridwen inspires me both with arts and Sacred Sound, and when you surrender to Cerridwen, creative projects happen so quickly. When you are in alignment, everything flows.
Cerridwen has since inspired a few other chants / songs, which I will be sharing with you in the near future.
The shift in energies is tangible when you work with sacred instruments, I recommend playing them whenever you feel affected by the energies, they really help you to realign.
Blessed Be
Kathryn Dawes, Trainee Priestess of Cerridwen, Priestess of Sacred Sound
West Berkshire, UK
Cerridwen made her presence known to me only in 2021 (spring time), when I visited Glastonbury and the Goddess Temple. After my visit, I began attending the online Dark Moon Rituals, which resonated so deeply, I knew I had to join the Cerridwen Kin.
Being part of the Cerridwen Kin has felt like I’ve returned home, I have found my Soul family again.
I am also a belly dancer, I have been dancing for over 22 years, and had the privilege of dancing at many celebrations (weddings and parties), theatre shows and restaurants with live musicians.
My dance has been evolving, and it’s become devotional to the Goddess. Music and dance play an integral part in my spiritual practice. I love weaving in movement, music and the love of Goddess in all I do.
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