I am

I love Taliesin’s poetry about shape shifting and that inspired me to think about all the things that I have been in my life and all the things that I’ve felt connected to, all the things I’ve felt a part of. The fact that one can experience life as so many things fascinates me. I love the power of Taliesin’s poetry and tried to capture something of that. My poem is about transformation, the richness of experience and personal growth – coupled with the sheer wonder of being alive.
In Welsh mythology, Taliesin is the son of Cerridwen, and god of the bards.
I Am
I am young, yet I am old
I am Earth, air, fire and water.
I am the blush on a virgin’s cheek
I am the tear in a mother’s eye.
I have swum with mermaids
I have spoken to Gods
And I am, was and shall be.
I float in the smell of newly dug earth.
I fall with the crisp golden leaves.
I am red hair and fire!
A dragon woman charged and strong!
I am a child who believes that the drops of morning dew are diamonds for my hair.
I am a slice of midnight
Cutting through the darkness like the breath of the wind.
I am an ancient crone, a seer.
I am organic; mineral, animal,
A hare who jumps!
A cat who stalks……
A seagull flying over the azure ocean.
I am transparent, yet solid,
I am formless and yet find shape.
I am transitory yet eternal
I am.
Elisa M Gray, Sister of Cerridwen
Glastonbury, UK
Facebook Page: The Way of the Shamanic Witch
Elisa is author of the book “What Maketh the Witch’ and is a traditional eclectic witch and advanced shamanic practitioner. As a published writer and artist, she is a strong advocate of the old ways of witchcraft as well as one of the cunning folk. Elisa holds witchcraft courses online for both basic and advanced witchcraft.