Dance in the Fire

Dance in the Fire

Dance in the Fire

Streaks of white fire light the sky,

And the thunder answers in reply.

Pitchforks of fire touch the ground.

And then another deafening sound.

The fire that lights the cauldron flame,

Calls into the night Cerridwen’s name.

She appears and dances in the night

Giving to us a warm invite.

She offers us her inspiration,

And calls us to dance in celebration

Of everything we have created.

For this is why she has waited,

Waited for us to dance in the fire.

Waited for us to express our desire

To taste the Awen’s precious pearls,

Then let the music and words unfurl.


Donna Brown



Donna Brown

Pennsylvania, US

Donna Brown

Donna Brown is a retired Board Certified Holistic nurse, a certified Clinical Aromatherapist, a massage therapist, an herbalist and a Reiki practitioner. She is a member of OBOD, ovate. She has a love of nature which shows up in her paintings and writings. Donna is training to be a Priestess of Cerridwen.

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