by Sister of Cerridwen Kimberly B. Season of Earth, Season of Grandmother Elder. Season of readying ourselves for Winter. And all the bugs, colds, ….
Author: Rowan Foster
Frequency for Samhain 2024 – Guide and ASMR-style sound meditation As the season of Samhain unfolds, the Solfeggio trio of frequencies 741, 852, and 963 ….
Here is a short ritual for Samhain, written by Asa, Sister of Cerridwen. You will need: an apple, a knife Cut the apple in two ….
Recipe by Anna Stow, Sister of Cerridwen Soul cakes are traditionally eaten on the 31st of October to commemorate what is known as ….
The Cauldron Deep, deepinto your Cauldron we dive,Dark Mother,to face our shadow,to face ourselves. Deep, deepinto your Cauldron we dive,Goddess of Transformation,to clear and cleansewhat no longer ….
Do you wish to ask your Spirit Guides for help, communicate with your Ancestors, or do you wish to feel a loved one’s blessing? If ….