Artisan of the Month: In the Image of Cerridwen

Cerridwen inspires, that is Her job and has been since the dawn of time. The Celtic people designated this to Her.

However, it is not just words that She inspires, but all mediums: song, painting, sculpture.

I am always excited to share the endeavours of people who love Her and are inspired by Her. So here is our lovely Priestess Jess with her work on the Goddess Cerridwen.

I truly hope you enjoy this Artisan.

Goddess of Inspiration

Bio: Jessica Bowman holds a bachelor’s degree in Cultural Anthropology, a master’s degree in Women’s Spirituality and Creative Expression as well as California single-subject teaching credentials in Social Science and English and Administrative Service Credentials. She has a career in education currently leading a team to provide quality education to adult males in a state-level prison. She works intentionally to bring the lessons of women’s spirituality to team development and to hold the container for a dedicated team of educators working in a very challenging environment. Jessica is a doctoral student at the California Institute of Integral Studies researching the intersection between expressive art and Goddess consciousness. She is also a priestess in training with the Temple College of Avalon expressing her dedication through the mediums of paint, glass, clay, stone, and plant.

Find out more of Jess’s art here:


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