Astrology for October and November 2022

There is so much going on at the moment in the Heavens that I think Cerridwen, the Star Queen, should be putting in for overtime! On the 2nd October Mercury went direct meaning our thoughts should be clearer and we can make progress with our ideas. Also all those little problems with communication breakdowns and missing emails etc will hopefully be resolved. The 8th October saw Pluto turning direct. Now the process of transformation moves forward. When Pluto was retrograde, we were being asked to look back over our past and see what was holding us back. Now Pluto is direct, the initiation can truly begin again. On 9th October there was a full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron and in opposition to Venus. This has the effect of exposing our deepest wounds. This may sound traumatic but Cerridwen knows the wound has to be diagnosed so that it can be properly healed. Mercury enters Libra on the 11th October clearing its opposition to Neptune so the fog lifts and everything should become clearer.
On 22nd October, Venus is conjunct the Sun in Libra bringing harmony and love. Important relationship events could happen at this time. On 23rd October the Sun enters Scorpio, Venus enters Scorpio and Saturn turns direct. This is when we really start to go down into the dark Scorpionic energy. And Saturn turning direct is about bringing forward a sense of restructuring. It’s a good time for re-examining your boundaries in whatever form they might appear. Saturn is about obtaining expertise by working hard. It isn’t easy but if done well, it can be very rewarding.
On 25th October there will be a partial solar eclipse in Scorpio. Eclipses can bring great change; if Scorpio is strong in your natal chart this could be almost a re-birthing experience. Be prepared to go deep! On 28th October Jupiter re-enters Pisces giving us all another chance to hear the celestial music and oneness of Pisces expanded in our world. As the largest planet in our solar system Jupiter expands everything it touches. In Pisces it connects with the deep currents of the ocean. There is a chance for cleansing, just be careful not to get too swept away by your emotions. On 29th October Mercury enters Scorpio so our thoughts turn to the deep intense subjects of death and rebirth.
On 31st October Mars goes retrograde. When a planet retrogrades it is asking you to take its energy and go back over your past. Mars is our drive. So in the past, what have we put our energy into and why? What are we driving towards? Are these really our goals or someone else’s? Are we doing what we think we should be doing or what we really want to do? These are the sort of questions that are going to come up. On 8th November there will be a full Moon in Taurus and a total lunar eclipse. The Sun will be in Scorpio but the Moon will be in Taurus. To me this axis of Taurus/Scorpio is always about what we want to hold on to and what we want to let go of. And finally, on 23rd November Jupiter will go direct. The big planet moving forward should bring growth and expansion in whatever area of your chart it will be in.
So you can see that October and November are going to be VERY busy months. I feel the general momentum is forwards as Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter will all be turning direct. The deep descent into Scorpio will always be a good time to go deep into Cerridwen’s cauldron and do a little work on ourselves, particularly when it comes to letting go of anything that does not serve our highest good. Astrology gives us a chance to see what trends are coming but it is up to us how we handle the energy that the planets are giving us. Be kind to yourself and others and you will never go far wrong.
With blessings.
Janet Parfitt – Priestess of Cerridwen
Glastonbury, UK
Facebook: Janet Parfitt – Priestess of Cerridwen
Janet Parfitt is a Priestess of the Goddess and a Priestess of Cerridwen. She has also written three books, is a professional Tarot Reader, a soul healer and a qualified funeral Celebrant. She is a regular Melissa in the Glastonbury Goddess Temple and with Bee Helygen, takes part in the Dark Moon Rituals at every new moon.